Self-study does not exclude contact with the school. The teacher provides feedback.
Materials are available to you 24/7 from any device with an internet connection.
Conversation clubs and one-on-one lessons with a teacher are included in the price (depending on the selected plan).
Choose your own pace—study at any time and place that is convenient for you.

Benefits of

Interactive learning format—vocabulary trainers, personal dictionary, games, and original videos from our production team.

The self-study course includes:

Original lessons on the platform
Exclusive study materials, grammar exercises, listening comprehension, and themed videos that we created just for you.
Automatic grading of lesson assignments
You won’t have to wait for someone to check your assignments—correct and incorrect answers are displayed immediately.
Personal dictionary and vocabulary trainers
You can translate and add expressions to your personal dictionary. To study and review, you have access to various vocabulary trainers in a game-like format.
Conversation сlub and Individual lessons
5 group sessions in a conversation club format included in the "Standard" package + 2 individual lessons in the "Premium" package.
Original lessons on the platform
Exclusive study materials, grammar exercises, listening comprehension, and themed videos that we created just for you.
Automatic grading of lesson assignments
You won’t have to wait for someone to check your assignments—correct and incorrect answers are displayed immediately.
Personal dictionary and vocabulary trainers
You can translate and add expressions to your personal dictionary. To study and review, you have access to various vocabulary trainers in a game-like format.
Conversation сlub and Individual lessons
5 group sessions in a conversation club format included in the "Standard" package + 2 individual lessons in the "Premium" package.

Choose the perfect package for yourself

Your first encounter with the Polish language, where every "hello" and "thank you" opens the door to a new world. The journey begins here, with a smile and a desire to learn.
Recommended study duration
- 3 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons
Recommended study duration
- 3,5 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 5 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format
Recommended study duration
- 4 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 8 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format


  • 2 individual lessons with a teacher
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
Laying the foundation of the language, laughing at your first mistakes, and understanding that each error is just a step toward success. At this stage, Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz from Chrząszczyżewoszyce won’t scare you anymore. You’ll be able to discuss the weather, order food, and even understand Polish jokes! You’ll learn that Bober is not just a meme, and in a tricky language situation, you won’t be "płakać jak bóbr".
Recommended study duration
- 3 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons
Recommended study duration
- 3,5 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 5 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format
Recommended study duration
- 4 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 8 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format


  • 2 individual lessons with a teacher
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
We learn to overcome language and cultural barriers, starting conversations with ease and confidence. You’ll be able to talk about topics like Polish cuisine, traditions, and even politics. Now you’ll understand that it’s not a good idea to say "I have a broń" in a hotel or airport. You’ll speak so confidently that people will consider you one of their own—"ktoś do tańca i do różańca".
Recommended study duration
- 3 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons
Recommended study duration
- 3,5 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 5 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format
Recommended study duration
- 4 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 8 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format


  • 2 individual lessons with a teacher
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
We refine the use of metaphors and comparisons, playing with language to create vivid and expressive images. Now you can not only speak but also tell stories brilliantly and joke in a way that makes Poles laugh until they cry. In this course, you’ll learn to "make a mountain out of a molehill," and your speech will sound as if you’ve "caught God by the legs".
Recommended study duration
- 3 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons
Recommended study duration
- 3,5 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 5 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format
Recommended study duration
- 4 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 8 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format


  • 2 individual lessons with a teacher
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
Reaching C1, you feel as comfortable in Polish as a fish in water. Complex texts, deep discussions, and an exquisite command of the language become your new reality. You’ll be able to engage in debates, write essays, and enjoy Polish literature in its original form. Now, you’ll not only understand everything but also express yourself brilliantly in Polish, and you might even hear "Czuję do Ciebie miętę" from the opposite sex.
Recommended study duration
- 3 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons
Recommended study duration
- 3,5 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 5 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format
Recommended study duration
- 4 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 8 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format


  • 2 individual lessons with a teacher
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
We will fully prepare you for the interview to obtain the Polish Card and Residence Permit. We know all the tricky questions from "that Pani at the office" and will teach you how to answer them "do rzeczy"—correctly. Together, we’ll prepare a story about yourself and your family traditions, study history and culture, and, of course, share with you the secret of a true żurek.
Recommended study duration
- 3 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons
Recommended study duration
- 3,5 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 5 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format
Recommended study duration
- 4 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 8 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format


  • 2 individual lessons with a teacher
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
This course is for those who want to become a "doktorem od siedmiu boleści" in the best possible sense! We will teach you medical terminology and prepare you for the NIL exam so well that you’ll "mówić do rzeczy" and no one will say about you, "Taki to doktor, jak z kłaków batog".
Recommended study duration
- 3 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons
Recommended study duration
- 3,5 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 5 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format
Recommended study duration
- 4 months

  • 25 comprehensive lessons on an interactive platform

  • Automatic grading of homework assignments

  • Curator support throughout the course

  • Access to additional materials: analyses of films, songs, and grammar lessons


  • Professional review of your assignments by a teacher

  • 8 group sessions with a teacher in a conversation club format


  • 2 individual lessons with a teacher
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month
429 PLN
per month

How does the learning process work?


😏 Whose voice is narrating this video?

✔ Will Smith - "Hancock"
✔ Tom Hanks - "The Da Vinci Code"
✔ Harrison Ford - "Indiana Jones"


Group classes are available

Self-Paced Learning
Online self-study courses—convenient and accessible means of learning the language at any time and from anywhere in the world with just an internet connection.
If you encounter any questions or difficulties, simply send us a request, and we will answer your question or resolve any issue.

Trial lesson

  • Not sure what your level of Polish is?
  • Can’t decide on a course and want to find out how the lessons are conducted?
Based on the results of the trial lesson, we will select a course that matches your needs and language level.
Assess your actual level of Polish.

Conduct a trial lesson at a time convenient for you.

Answer all your questions and demonstrate the platform.
Sign up for a free trial lesson with our methodologist, who will:

Need a Consultation?

Submit your request:
Or write to us on Telegram
+48 666 222 175
Centrum Polonijne, Długa 29,00-238, Warszawa.
© 2024, Centrum Polonijne Sp. z o.o, z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Długa 29, Warszawa, 00-238, spółka wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy, XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, pod numerem KRS: 0001103354, posiadającą REGON: 528558704, NIP: 5253002115.
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