Polish Language Courses

We start together from the base camp of Centrum Polonijne towards A1 — Górka Szczęśliwicka.
Górka Szczęśliwicka — A1, where the basics of Polish will seem like gentle hills.
Moving on to A2 at Bukowa Góra, we’ll discover that conversational Polish is more than just "proszę" and "przepraszam.
At Kasprowy Wierch — B1, grammar awaits us with its icy breath. But our teachers won’t let you freeze!
Climbing to B2 — Giewont, idioms will become our steps to the summit, not stumbling blocks.
And finally, C1 — Rysy, where the Polish language reveals itself to you in all its beauty.

Additional Courses

Self-Paced Learning
Online self-study courses—convenient and accessible means of learning the language at any time and from anywhere in the world with just an internet connection.
If you encounter any questions or difficulties, simply send us a request, and we will answer your question or resolve any issue.


Trial Lesson

  • Not sure what your level of Polish is?
  • Can’t decide on a course and want to find out how the lessons are conducted?
Based on the results of the trial lesson, we will select a course that matches your needs and language level.
Assess your actual level of Polish.

Conduct a trial lesson at a time convenient for you.

Answer all your questions and demonstrate the platform.
Sign up for a free trial lesson with our methodologist, who will:

Need a Consultation?

Submit your request:
Or write to us on Telegram
+48 666 222 175
Centrum Polonijne, Długa 29,00-238, Warszawa.
© 2024 Polonijne.pl, Centrum Polonijne Sp. z o.o, z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Długa 29, Warszawa, 00-238, spółka wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy, XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, pod numerem KRS: 0001103354, posiadającą REGON: 528558704, NIP: 5253002115.